
Soul's eyes

Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.
Marilyn Monroe


P.S.: Now Photos have protection


Champions keep playing until they get it right. Billie Jean King


Every moment is an experience. Jake Roberts


Pretty girl

Beauty: the adjustment of all parts proportionately so that one cannot add or subtract or change without impairing the harmony of the whole. Leon Battista Alberti


Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old, but of the natural. Ralph Waldo Emerson



"Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe." Thomas Jefferson

Where? How? When?

"For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment." Viktor E. Frankl


"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." Coco Chanel

Night Party

"I'm the type who'd be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn't going to. I'm the type who'd like to sit home and watch every party that I'm invited to on a monitor in my bedroom." Andy Warhol


"Soft addictions are an alluring, seductive aspect of our culture - they are easy to attain and socially acceptable, they are even encouraged in many cases. Yet they are lethal to the spirit. " Judith Wright


Waiting for Nothing

"I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it." Charles M. Schulz